
May Favourites...

Hello Guys!!

So it's that time again... here is my May favourites :)

Beauty: Smashbox Full Exposure Mascara
Now I never really wear mascara as I have longer eyelashes, but when I do this is my go to product. It gives the look of false lashes without the hassle of actually having to wear false lashes. The problem is that even though it is a high end brand it does dry up quickly so I would definitely recommend buying the smaller size.

Skincare: Nivea Soft Refreshing Soft Moisturising Cream 
This is a miracle worker. I struggle with really dry skin and this does the trick, it's for the face, body and hands so it works all over. I like to keep a tub size at home and then the tube size within my handbag for being on the go.

Random: Busted. 
So ever since I went to McBusted, I kind of have fallen back in love with Busted again. I feel such like a 10 year old. hahahaaaa. I also have watched Thunderbirds because of this about 20 times. so let's quickly move on..

Clothing: Caterpillar Suede Boots  
These boots have really gotten me through the winter and spring months, they are super comfortable and will pretty much every outfit that I own (which is a huge help!) they are more on the pricey side but I believe that they really are a worthy investment.

App: QuizUp
As I recently have been travelling, I have had so much free time so this app has been used a lot. It basically has quizes on everything that you could think of. My top ones to play are obviously Gilmore Girls and Greys Anatomy but I do like to play the business ones as well to keep on top of my knowledge ;)

Well until next time,

C xxxxxx


Grey's Anatomy.

hello world!
So I did something similar to this a few weeks ago, for Gilmore Girls but this time it's Grey's Anatomy. Now I know what you are all thinking..*how sad is she* but to be honest the whole point of this blog is for me to share pieces of my life with you all. So I am just gonna jump right in!

1. Favourite Male Character
2. Favourite Female Character 
3. Favourite Friendship
Meredith and Cristina (a.k.a Mertina)
4. Favourite Couple 
Meredith and Derek
5. Least Favourite Male Character 
Charles Percy
6. Least Favourite Female Character 
Reed (I can't remember her last name)
7. Least Favourite Couple 
Derek and Rose
8. Favourite Actor 
Patrick Dempsey
9. Favourite Actress 
Jessica Capshaw
10. Favourite Season 
Season 6
11. Least Favourite Season 
Season 4
12. Favourite Soundtrack
The Music Event
13. Favourite Quote 
'They say death is hardest on the living. It's tough to actually say goodbye. Sometimes it's impossible. You never really stop feeling the loss. It's what makes things so bitter-sweet.' -it's one of my many favourites!
14. Favourite Scrub Cap
Teddy's one with the bird's one
15. Least Favourite Episode
The season 3 finale. I can't watch it. I sit there for an hour in tears.  
16. Favourite Elevator Scene 
Derek's Proposal to Meredith
17. Favourite Surgery 
18. Favourite Place in the hospital
 The catwalk by the Chief's office
19. A Scene that made you cry 

20. A scene that made you laugh 

21. A scene that made you angry
The end of the reason 1 finale when Addison shows up and bursts the MerDer bubble. 
22. Favourite Guest Stars 
Liza Weil, Edward Herrmann, Emily Kuroda and Scott Cohen
23. Most missed character
Mark Sloan
24. Favourite Season Finale 
Season 5 
25. Saddest Death 
Lexie Grey
26. Best Dance Scene 
When Derek tries to make Meredith feel better when her and Cristina fall out 
27. If you were ill, who would you want as your doctor? 
Jackson Avery, he's got good blood
28. A Grey's Anatomy photo that makes you sad

29. A Grey's Anatomy photo that makes you happy 

30. Your all time favourite thing about Grey's Anatomy 
Meredith's voiceovers, they have so much meaning to them

So I hope you all enjoyed another snipit of things that I love in my life.

Until next time

C xxxxxxx



Hello guys!

So last week I went to the LG Arena in Birmingham to see McBusted, which was actually amazing. We actually managed to get seats that were around the 4th row back so we were right near the front. It is a show that I would recommend anybody of any age to go and see, they really did put on a amazing show. So I thought that I would share some of my favourite pictures from the night with you all.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures, the night actually has reignited my love for Busted. Also the support acts were actually so much better than what I thought :) So check them out!

Until next time

C xxxxx

My favourite things in my bedroom.

Hello guys!

Today's post is all about my favourite things/pieces etc in bedroom, I really don't know what to call it! So check  it out.

 My daily calendar and yes this picture was taken two weeks ago. I'm not ashamed. 
 My notebook and whiteboard. They are my life. 
 My favourite part of my bedroom. (those jars are amazing if you want me to show how I made them let me know)
 My jewellery collection
This container is actually something that I picked up at my local garden centre, and literally have most of my daily beauty products in there. 

So maybe this will give you some exciting ideas for your own bedrooms,

Until next time

C xxxxxxx

p.s next week's post will be some pictures from McBusted which I am EXTREMELY excited for. So watch this space! :)



woahhhh surprise! this post will be a 30 point Gilmore Girls challenge, and well if you haven't seen any of my posts before I am slightly obsessed with them! This is quite commonly seen over twitter/instagram/tumblr and I saw this one on tumblr (check out here) and thought I would give it a go all in one post :)
PRE WARNING: If you have never seen Gilmore Girls before you probably would think that I am talking a load of gibberish, so go check it out... and you can thank me later

1. Are you a Lorelai or a Rory? 

2. What was the first episode of Gilmore Girls you ever saw (even in part)? 
Season 2, episode 4 - The road trip to Harvard.

3. Have you ever quoted the Gilmore Girls in real life, even if nobody knew that's what you were doing? 
Always, all day and everyday... just check out my twitter!

4. Is there anyone in your life that you know a character HAS to be based off because they are so similar?
Probably of my closest friends she is soooo like Lane it's scary.  

5. Are you and your mother more like Lorelai/Rory, Mrs Kim/Lane or Emily/Lorelai? 
I would say mostly Lorelai/Rory but sometimes Mrs Kim/Lane

6. Have you ever tried or made food after seeing it on Gilmore Girls? 
Well it would explain my love for Twizzlers and Milk Duds...

7. Are you a Paris or a Lane?
Maybe a bit of both but more of a Lane

8. What's the one Stars Hollow town event that you want to attend/recreate in your own town? 
All of them.

9. What is the number one thing that's happening in pop culture right now that you wish the Gilmore Girls were still around to talk about/make fun of? 

10. What's your funniest/craziest Gilmore Girls related story that you want to share? 
I don't know really.. my friends do get a little annoyed at my many GG pins on pinterest. (it currently is at 175) 

11. If you could have had a crossover episode with Gilmore Girls and any other show, which show would it be? 
Grey's Anatomy.. enough of the actors have been guest stars!

12. What do you think Lorelai is doing right now? 
Being fabulous and running the world.

13. What character do you wish was in the show more than they were? 
Rory's room mates in her first year at Yale. 

14. What's the weirdest/most unexpected couple that you secretly ship? 
Lorelai and Kirk. We all wanted to see that happen.

15. Who is your favourite Gilmore boy? 

16. What do you think Rory is doing right now? 
Reading a book.

17. How long was your longest Gilmore Girls marathon? 
Too long to admit.

18. What is something that will always remind you of the Gilmore Girls? 
America... and coffee!

19. What is the first line that comes to your mind right now? 
Coffee, coffee, coffee

20. What other fandoms are you a part of? 
Grey's Anatomy and 1D are my other main ones ;)

21. If you were a character on Gilmore Girls; who would you be, when would you come in and what would you do? 
I would like to be Logan's new girlfriend after Rory said no.

22. Would you rather eat at Luke's or go to a Friday Night Dinner? 

23. Is your dad more like Luke, Richard or Christopher? 
Hard to say... but my Grandad is for sure the same as Richard!

24. Which episode have you seen the most? 
Season 5, episode 19 - But I'm a Gilmore

25. Would you go on a date with Kirk if you met him?
Yes, obviously!

26. Is your best friend more like Lane or Sookie? 

27. Would you rather eat at Al's Pancake World or watch a movie at the Black, White and Read movie theatre? 
Can I do both? Is that allowed?

28. Have you discovered any band/artist because of the Gilmore Girls? 
The Bangles.

29. If you could choose just one character to bring in to your life, who would it be? 
Lorelai, she could be my bestie.

30. How has the show affected you, even if it's in the smallest way? 
It has affected me in so many ways, I am actually so grateful for the show being there.

So I hoped you liked this surprise, I might do a Grey's Anatomy one in a few weeks let me know if that is something that you would like to see,

Until next time,

C xxxxxx



So recently on my instagram I took part in something called #100happydays which is where you basically show something that has made you happy for 100 days in a row. This was quiet difficult to do on some days especially if you have not a lot do to! It really made me grateful though for everything that I do have.

Anyway here are some of my favourites from the past #100happydays...

You can check out my full #100happydays here on my instagram, and check out the #100happydays website here were you can sign up to do it yourself!

Until next time

C xxxxxx


April Favourites!

hello guys!

sooooo it's that time again.... it's my monthly favourites!!

Clothing: Forever21 Black Leggings. (click here)
Firstly these leggings are £3! thats crazy good, they are also super wearable and have lasted me longer than leggings that I have paid much more money for.

Make up: W7 translucent powder. (click here)
This is a really affordable powder of the high street which has a really nice flawless look. It's mostly only available in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland I believe but you can also find it on amazon, if you check out the link above.

Skincare: Cowshed knackered cow relaxing body lotion (click here)
Now this more on the pricey side but so worth it! The lotion has lavender and stuff like that which basically relaxes you right down. So this is something that I would normally use right before I go to bed, so that I can chill out.

Random: Green Swirly Tumbler. (click here)
So... I know i am a bit behind the trend with these but I absolutely love mine! I use it mainly for water, whether I am at home doing coursework or on the go. It really encourages me when it comes to drinking more water... but I am also use it for my pepsi max #ihaveaproblem

Food: TWIZZLERS! (click here)
Now lets talk about these. I don't think I can..
These are the best sweets in the WORLD. I have been enjoying them lots in my preparation for my trip to New York at the end of the month (were I will stock up)

TV Show: The Hills
When this was on the TV I loved it and still to this day I am in love with it. #teamLC
This month I have watching it like non-stop reminding of those good old days in the hollywood hills. If you have never seen this show, which what have you been doing with you life if you haven't?  you need to go check it!

Well this is it for today's post, until next time

C xxxxxx

p.s bluebells are my favourite things to see come out at this time of the year, so I thought it would be appropriate ;)